Thursday, September 15, 2011


On the holidays we are going to go to Vietnam. At Vietnam we are going to go to Honoi, Hioan and Hochi min city (Sigon). We are going to go on lots of different planes. The rest is all a surprise, you'll find out when we get home.

Friday, August 26, 2011

kikuna camping grounds

On the 14th to the 20th we went camping at Kikuna camping grounds Woodgate.There was sand flies there and it was windy. At day time it was very hot and sunny ,but at night time it was very cold and black.We played on the beach a lot and made giant sand castles.We caught lots of fish from the kayak , but none from the beach. On the last day we caught a sand worm and it was 1 metre long. We had FUN!! Bye for now, Jordyn

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today at school

Today Lucy came to our school and gave Tommy her cousin his birthday present. It was cars. She has made some new friends at her school. At school we are learning about the olden days. They used a horse and suilkey or a horse and car.

Friday, January 21, 2011


On the holidays we went to Toowoomba to see Grandad. We stayed at the Bridge Street Motel with Nana so she wasn't lonely. Grandad was in hospital so we visited him every day. The next day Nana and Mummy had a surprise for us, it was that Poppy La La had come down from Darwin. He showed us a video of when he went for his last fishing trip in the helicopter. Went went to the material shop and I liked a pink and black swirly material. After that Nana took us all for a walk around the motel area and she showed us there was a pool and tennis courts. We stayed in number 13 and Poppy La La stayed in number 10. We had a lovely time at Toowoomba and just before we left we saw our cousins Jethro and Victor from Alice Springs. We enjoyed our holidays.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dear everyone

The school holidays have been fun so far. We have not seen Santa yet , But he sent us an email .We just got back from kingaroy ,We were helping grandad because he has cancer.He is on a medicine called chemo and he is not allowed in the sun, so we came up to the farm to take care of the animals an till they got home.When we got home I read my big thick books from the start to the end three times.
from Jordyn

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Baylee and me

On Saturday I am going to stay at my friend Baylee"s house. We are going play with Diesel. Diesel is a black puppy and is a cockerspaniel. Every night we have a sleep over we stay up and ether we play a game or we read quality. We love sleep overs because we get to have a mid night snack.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A day in October

On the weekend we went to Tin Can Bay with Nana and Grandad. We stayed in the Big Anchor. Where me and Amber sleep there are two bunk beds, we couldn't stop kicking the walls. Amber slept up the top and I slept on the bottom. The next day we went to feed the dolphins. Nana and Amber fed them, but Mum, Grandad, Dad and I didn't feed them. The dolphin names are Mystique and Oscar. Where we stayed there was a jetty at the back. Amber and I did a lot of fishing there. I lost a couple of fish. On Monday we went home, we had a great time!!